Concord Monitor from Concord, New Hampshire (2024)

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Concord, New Hampshire

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A i THE CONCORD DAILY MONITOR AND PATRIOT FRIDAY DECEMBER 24 1954 -p 11 Tax Bills Will Go Into Mails Minnie $250 Short of Goal -J- Av Epsom Church Has Pageant Sondsj School Party Held With Visit by Santa Gant Pope Gives Christmas Blessing by Recording VATICAN CITY Dec 24 (JF) 4 Ailing Pope Pius XII gave his Christmas greetings and blessings to the world today in a broadcast from his Vatican apartment The ward of the frail 78-year-old head of the Roman Catholie church had been recorded previously- Referring to bis weeks of illness the Pontiff said "In the loneliness of suffering and with gratitude to the Catholic world for the prayers unceasingly poured forth for our consolation we are in our good wishes of peace thinking of all our children scattered throughout the world -and indeed of the whole human The Pope's voice was Stronger than at any time since his grave nilanse Dec 2 Stranded Family Aided Hy Police NATICK Mass Dee 24 CD-ln the spirit of Christmas Natick police extended a helping hand to Walter Harvey and his family early today i When the family ceg taking the Harveys from Union Conn to Lewiston Me broke 1 down here the friendly bluecoats opened up their cell room and mother father and four children the youngest only five months old rested comfortably while awaiting Harvey's brother 7e brother drove down from Lewiston picked up the stranded six and off they went expressing deep gratitude to police Hearing in Rape Slaying Set Jan 7 NEWPORT I Dee 24 (- District Court Judge Arthur Sullivan today setoJan 7 as date for a preliminary hearing in tha eases of two Navy Bailors held without bail in the rape slaying of Margaret Louisa Blanchette 16 early Sunday Counsel for Frederick A Zimmer 25 charged with murder and his nephew Clyde Brunfield 18 held as an accessory unsuccessfully protested the hearing date on grounds it is one day after the date set for recall of the Newport County grand Jury The two sailors from Rochester were held without bail Monday whence mandatory plea of Innocence was entered Veteran Salvatiofa Army Worker Adds $1753 To Yule Fund Mrs Minnie Proud Salvation Army -worker who solicits "on her fiwnH for the- corps downtown was nearly $250 short of the goal she set for herself for Christmas donation at of last night Mrs Proud had received $1753 of the desired $2000 when her contributions were counted out last night She 'still was confident of making her quota through the day today 1e corps Christmas total to date from vinous sources and solicitation effort came to $3023 slightly lest than last year ht this time Capt and ibi Richard Klimoff said they had prepared a Christmas budget of $3600 and were still hopeful that they might come near that figure by the end of the day to charged with attempting mote disorder The crisis flared over army charges that Economy Minister Jaime Nebot Velasco had Insulted the forces in statements he made Buenos Aires recently prb- Giridtmad Vi the Robert Swenson Studio MUSEUM Merle star Gregory Peck bearded far role in Dick" lag by Patch master Jan Vermeer during visit to KUksmuenmln Amsterdam' 63 Millions Ready For Distribution Go Out Next Week (Continued from Page One) they had to be revamped completely as a result of the 1954 tax law changes This took extra time One possible bright spot: An extra' month to pay Under the new law the deadline for final returns is April 15b Likewise if you're one of thoce poopla required to Ilia advance estimate of your income end to pay the tax in quarterly installments the deadline for your firs? estimate and payment is moved from March 15 to April 15 The dates for the remaining installments are unchanged -however une IS Sept IS and Jan IS Two Classes 3 You now fail into this category if: 1 Your total income is $5000 or more if you are or 110000 or more for married couples or heads of families 2 Your income Includes more than $100 which is not subject to withholding In that case you're supposed to file estimates If 'you expect your total income to bd more than $400 plus $600 for each exemption What about those who should have filed estimates and made quarterly payments this but didn't do mo? Will the T-men 'get alter them? Officials say such people can square accounts by filing 1040 form and paying up in full by Jan 3L You can do the same thing if you paid your first three installments for 1954 but want two weeks of grace in making tha payment normally due Jan 15 Fanners get a bit more time They can wait until Feb 15 instead of the previous Jan 31 to file their final return on 1954 income Richmond Land now occupied by Arlington national cemetery Vs waa sold in the 17th century for six hogsheads of tobacco A Mexican free-tailed bat bended at Caverns National Park has been recovered in Jalisco State Mexico 800 miles south of the caverns The first printing press In fhe Western Hemtiphere was set up In Mexico City in 1539 ays the National Geographic Society SALVATION ARMY RADIO PROGRAM "The Army of Stars' WKXL 1450 ON YOUR DIAL SAT DEC 25 2 to 2:30 HI Captain Richard Klimoff Invites everyone to listen to this exce'-lent show WKXL Public Service Presentation Mowy ctfflrypw To everyone everywhere may ell- the happiness of this joyous season abide with you end yours at Christmas and all through the New Year GEORGE'S Barber' Shop CONTOOCOOK lL Merry Christmas i MUR3PMKEYS ic Deaths EDWARD COMIXS Edvard Corains 89 for many years a resident of this city died yesterday in Dorchester Mass Mr Comina was a Mason and a Unitarian He waa the husband of the late Mrs Florence (Carter) Comins of-this city His daughter Miss Sara Comins of Dorchester is his only survivor Funeral services will he held Monday at 11 o'clock at the First Parish church Meeting House Hill Dorchester Committal rites will take place Monday at 2:30 o'clock at Blossom Hill cemetery NELSON A CLO CETTE PENACOOK Dec 24 Rev George Donnelly celebrated a mass of requiem at the Immaculate Conception church this morning for Nelson Arsene Clouette Rev Joseph Fennescey recited i committal prayers at the family lot in Cal vary cemetery Bearers were Albert Clouette Robert Clouette Roger Clouette Francis Parent Sr Francis Parent Jr and Alfred York Wendell Butt waa funeral director THOMAS LEARY Solemn requiem mass for Thomas Leary was celebrated this morning at John's church by Rt Rev Msgr Jeremiah Buckley Rev Anthony Finn was deacon and Rev Stanley Skora sub deacon Bearers fellow employes at the State hospital were Michael Mar coux Robert McGrath Paul Hamel Lawrence Murphy Fred Demers and Ralph Pearson Rev Thomas Donnelly recited the committal prayers at Calvary cemetery John WL Waters war-funeral director HAROLD CBOSS STRAFFORD Dec Harold 'E Cross 54 died at Concord hospital earl Thursday morning He was born in Norcross Me April 23 1900 the son of Ruel and Annette (Paddock) Cross He lived most of his life in New York City where he worked for the Gudlin Motor company More recently he has been empolyed by Merrill and Cote company of Concord He hat been making his home with his sister in Strafford for the past one and one-half yean Survivors includes his wife Antoinette and one daughter Susannah of New York City two sisters Mrs Ethel Whitney of Strafford and Mrs Lydia Backius of Dedham Mass one nephew and one niece Funeral services will he held at the Steward and Pinkham Funeral hoftie in Northwood Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock Friends may call at (he funeral home Sunday afternoon and evening FRANK EL WELL PITTSFIELD Dec Frank Eiwell 89 died yesterday afternoon at the home of hi son Wayne Eiwell In Concord A native of Brookline Mass he had been a PittSSeld resident for 21 years moving last May te) make his home with his son in Concord For 45 years he was credit manager for Pierce gompany In Boston retiring 25 years ago He was a member of the Roxbury Man Episcopal church Surviving are Us wife Mrs Florence Eiwell two sons Wayne Eiwell of Concord and Richard Eiwell of Madrid Spain a daughter Mrs Miriam Zelck of Greenwood Mass a brother Charles Eiwell of Seattle a sister Miss Alice 11 Eiwell of Los Angeles five grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren Funeral services will held Sunday at 1:30 o'clock at the John Perkins and Son Funeral home with interment in Union cemetery EPSOM BiCi lb New Rjt Sunday school party-was held Wednesday evening at the New Rye chureh The program opened with a processional with the audience Joining in singing the caroL The responsive reading and the Lord's Prayer were led by Balph EL Towle Philip Coir an sang "Star of tha East" after which children of tha -Sunday school took over Recitations were given by 'members of the nursery and beginners' classes as follows: Dwight Keeler Bonnie Cushing Bred Yea-ton Jr Sharon Coir an' Danny Walla Bruco Moor Joan Bumf or and Bhona Ferry The Yeaton children Stephen Susan Nancy Mickey and Larry gang The Friendly Beasts" with Mrs Marjorie Yeaton at the piano Other recitations were given by John Dowst Dorene Wells Duane Keeler Patricia Hurd and Stephen Lombard Jr A Christmas pageant was given with Doris Wead as reader Nancy Yeaton as Mary and Leland Briggs as Joseph and members of the "choir Gregory Hurd Jr Ronald Smith' Bruce Bumlord Stephen Yeaton Wayne Moore David Krenn Unde Weed Stephanie Krenn Neal Wells and James Bum-ford Following the program Richard Baybutt as Santa Claus distributed gifts and popcorn balls to all the children Garden Clab Baa Party EPSOM Dee The Christmas party of the Epsom Garden -dub was hld at the home of the president Mrs Hattie Bickford A humorous article Married Flower Arranger" was read by Mrs Laura Bickford also an article cm the cere of poinaettias Christmas recipes and samples were swapped Ice cream and cake were served and the president made tiny wheelbarrows from nut cups holding mixed nuts The 'next meeting will be on Monday evening Jan 17 place to be announced The Garden club card party was held at the home of Mrs Alma Johnson Bridge winners were Mrs Buthena Montgomery Leonard Batchelder and Edward Gray consolations to Harry Montgomery and Fjed Carlson whist winners Earl Luckenbach Mrs Luckefibach and Mrs Bertha Mosher with the consolation to Elmore Bickford The next card party will be at the home of Mr and Mrs Leonard Batchelder at Short rails on Thursday evening Jan During the evening a Christmas "basket was packed for an ill club member Epsom Items Mr and Mrs Elmore Bickford gre entertaining the nephew lS-year-oId Charles Bickford of West Branch 'Iowa He la the sdh of Mr and Mrs Orville Bicklord The regular meeting of El wood "Wells unit American Legion auxiliary wiil be held at the town hail on Tuesday evening Dec 28 at 8 Gifts will be exchanged and there will be a plant isle 1 Do-Dads Give Help For Girl Scouts santa Monica Caiif wv-The Do-Dads disdaining delay and a deficiency of donated dollars do it themselves for the 2400 Girl Scouts in this srea The approximately 125 Do-Dads are mostly father Others are childless or retired citizens who get a kick out of slinging paint aet- ting brick or nailing shingles la a worthwhile cause Take last spring The Forest Service warned that the 110-volt power line to one of the three camps couldn't remain strung on trees It was a mountain lire 1 hazard "One of (he hoys scrounged some used pipe from the gas company" recalls Art Kraft a onetime test pilot whose wife is president of the Girl Santa Monica Baj Council Kraft welded the pieces Of pipe Into poles at the plant where he is aeronautical engineer He end oth- er Do-Dads an electrician a college math teacher an aerodynaih-icist an aircraft factory manager and its chief got the poles up and new wire strung in time for the camp's summer opening While they were at it they bor-i rowed a chain saw and cut down 15 tall pine trees that were in danger of falling They reconditioned a donated refrigerator and trucked It 80' miles to the camp They built new benches and tent platforms and made repairs to' bulldlngSL Mrs Mildred Keenan 'executive director of the scout council estimates that the donated man- power and materials on this project alone would have cost $3000 beyond our reach" The Scouts budget last year for upkeep of all three tamps and its headquarters was $900 Another of the camps needed a fence Do-Dad Wesson Clow a telephone installer promoted from his company with -its blessing some telephone-pole cross-arms Already creosoted they made fine fence posts Not that Do-Dads finagle everything for free Cement work on the next big camp infirmary headquarters building that would cost- kn estimated $8500 at' present will be constructed Projects are "auctioned" at the Do-Dads' annual meeting The father who volunteers is expected to see his job through unless he becomes ill or otherwise unable in which case he to notify a supervisory Do-Dad The temperature oi the sun is calculated at 20 million degrees Centigrade Records indicate that the first apple tree was planted in what is now the United States in 1629 More than half of the members of the first regiment of the Arl-zona National Guard were Indians Quick and delicious lunch: Add drained whole-kernel coin to- eggs aa you scramble them and serve with crisply-cooked bacon Serve with hot buttered toast Inspects paint- Laconia Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday from 7 to 9 o'clock Providence Youth Says He Killed Sweetheart NORTH PROVIDENCE I Dee 24 (J3) Robert Stevens 21 was held today lor strangling his young sweetheart and then driving her body 13 miles to the home of his aister-in-law Police said Stevens readily admitted he strangled Miss Carol Dupont 17 during a struggle in his parked car after she resisted his advances She was the second teen-age girl strangled in Rhode Island within a week State Police Lt Austin Duffy said Stevens propped Miss Dupont's body in the front seat and drove from a lonely road in Gloucester to the home of Mrs Henry Stevens where he announced the cops think I've killed her" Police said Stevens father of a 13-month-old daughter and estranged from his wife had been keeping company with Miss Dupont for several months jr- AP Photographer Noel Awarded Bronze Star WASHINGTON Dec 24 The Navy has-awarded its Bronze Star medal to Frank (Pappy) Noel Associated Press photographer who was held captive by the North Korean Reds for 32 months Secretary of the Navy Charles Thomas will present themedil at s0me later date The citation for the medal praised Noel both for his efforts to aid tjie Marine unit with which he was working-and for his "indomitable' courage and resourcefulness 'in maintaining the morale of servicemen taken as prisoners of war After several futile attempts to escape prison camps he was re-i leased in the prisoner exchange of August 1953 Five-Year-Old Gives Own Tribute to'Infant WATERTOWN Man Dec- 24 Five-year-old Timmy Burns -stood on the lawn of St Patrick's Catholic church yesterday gazing raptly at the figures In the nativity scene "Give me a nickel Daddy" he pleaded Clutching (he coin in Ms hand Timmy scrambled onto the platform where lay the Image of the Christ NCihld in a manger He plaoed the nickel on the contribution plate Then he stepped back and sang loudly and cheerfully: birthday to you "Happy birthday to you "Happy birthday dear Jesus "Happy birthday to you" Travel on Holiday Weekend at Peak CHICAGO Dec 24 (ff-Holiday travel which started a week ago when colleges closed for vacations reached its peak today The lure of "home for Christmas" built up a traffic load that had railroads airlines and bus companies using extra equipment to get all riders to their destinations Terminals in Chicago railroad crossraads of the nation buitied with travelers in numbers reminiscent of World War II days The National' Safety Council estimated that of the millions'making holiday trips by automobile 370 will bF killed over the weekend Tha travel period covered by the estimate will extend from 6 tonight until midnight Sunday 'I a -4: Wleim CLriitmai THAT is always tsStfm RALEIGH KQDL AND ISpSgi ALL OTHER POPULAR BRANDS IN COLORFUL HOLIDAY WRAP EVERYONE! Revolt in Ecuador Quelled by Ibarra QUITO Ecuador Dec 24 WV-President Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra appeared today to have ridden: out a brief military revolt but both ha and the Army gave ground to achieve a truce Two cabinet ministers were out of office and seven members of the top military command were under arrest Hie President held on only fay fleeing yesterday from: the capital to Guayquil Ecuador's major port and rallying the offi--cers of the 2nd Military Zone there to his support Those under arrest Included the chief of the army general staff and the commanders of the Navy and Air Force AU seven were RAY Service Station 1 SOUTH MAIN STREET $1 WET CAR WASH Dial 8-8851 tor details greatly appreciated our friend and patron! Sallies Help 1 Needy Homes Baskets Delivered to 100 Families From Kettle Fonda Christmas food baskets were delivered to 100 needy Concord homes by the Salvation Army yesterday Capt Richard Klimoff announced today In addition to the food baskets 600 sunshine begs were given to residents and inmates of hospitals homes for the aged the State Prison and county farm in Boscawen These were distributed by Home League women Fifteen children were provided' with new winter outer-garments Capt Klimoff reported the street kettles manned early thig week by members of local service clubs brought in (he funds to finance the Christmas project The Liona club raised $6717 on Monday The Rotary club collected $18885 op Tuesday and the Junior Chamber of Commerce brought in $13721 on Thursday Fire Sweeps Studio As Actress Throws Book HOLLYWOOD Dec 24 W-A fire at the Universal-International studio didn't follow the script yesterday The script celled -for actress Anne Baxter to thrbw a book at leading man Rock Hudson knocking over kerosene lamp She' threw and the lamp was knocked over The flames swept up acetate drapes: "Standby crews were unable to contain (hem as Itiey whipped to the top of the 80-foot-high sound stage The heat opened sprinklers over an adjacent stage and caused damage to other sets prepared for the movie No estimate of the loss was available 1 Ike Gives to Gifts To All in Home DANVILLE Va Dec 24 A foster home for children near here has received Christmas presents from the White House for every one of its 73 youngsters It took some investigation to discover how the President ever heard of the home When the home recently conducted a Jund drive individual likenesses of the childrden were sent to the donors' One of the donors Mrs Clay Daniel of' Danville received a card beating the picture of a youngster in the home who was the image of President Eisenhower She sent the card to the President Barnstead 'Man Held With Two NH Friends WEST STERLING Mast Dec 24 Three New Hampshire men were under police charges' today gfter they were arrested last night with a revolver in their car Eino Viltola 38 of Center Barn-stead and Umatana PenUila 23 of Nottingham were charged with having a gun without a permit and driving under tha influence of liquor Howard Rines Jr 19 of Do ver was charged with having a gun wtihout a permit and drunkenness x' A i ma' s- Vv itvi Your patronage Is The Reed-Too! Laundry Co r- 1 I i'- Ilk A Merry ChrUtmas Jo Though snow should fill the sky above And wind howl as it may They'd never chill the warmth of love j- In hearts on Christmas Day! 1 We extend the wish that at Christmas 1 and after Every Joy Will be Yourie 1 MERRIMACK COUNTY SAVINGS BANK 'r A Mutual Savings Bank Incorporated 1867 89 tdortfi Main Street i Member of Savings Banks Association of New Hampshire ConaDt CfeansuiA 9nc K- ROODY 80 South Main Sheet School Street 9 In Penacoek Spearman'S I On Ill II i-1-iri tm rnumtm inn SEEK VICTORY IN DAVIS CUP MATCHES These players representing the UA Davis Cnp team will be vyinr for victory Dec 27-29 when they are scheduled to meet Australia's team in match play In Sydney From left are: Via Seisms Tony Trabert and Hamilton nicharrimw up Wirepheto).

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.